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How to fuel a day of walking

Writer's picture: Gemma LumleyGemma Lumley

Hiking can be a strenuous activity that requires plenty of fuel and hydration. On big days, you should try to eat little and often, and have a stash of high sugar foods ready for if you start to flag.

Fueling and hydrating your body should begin well before your walk. Drink plenty of water and prepare carb and veg rich meals to enjoy in the days before. This means that what you eat and drink while you walking is simply topping up your energy levels.

This summer, Yorkie Talkies Outdoors has lots of endurance events on the calendar. We have the Nationals, the Y3P, the Lyke Wake Walk and two 20-milers. We also have some multi-day hiking weekends to look forward to.

If you're signed up for any of these events, or find that you experience energy and mood dips on longer walks, have a look at these nutrition and hydration ideas from our leading team.


Favourite hill snacks

*Aldi mini cheddar cheese


*Breakfast biscuits

*Chia Charge Crispy Bars Jaffa flavour

*Knopper chocolate bars

*Salted/roasted cashews

*The best of all...Percy Pigs!

Favourite lunch

*Pork pie with sweet chilli from the butchers

*Tuna salad mayo sarnie in tiger bread

Fuel for big days

All of the above! It's more about what I've eaten the week before the event. I always eat more pasta and rice by adding a few extra carbs to my plate each night, not just the night before.

Before the walk

My favourite meals the night before are homemade risotto and lasagne. I eat more vegetables than anything else on my plate as they are good for vital vitamins and also help with hydration - a rainbow plate is always good!

After any big event I also ensure I replace everything my body will have lost. So I eat extra vegetables and lean meat such as chicken.

It is also very important to eat extra calories before long and cold days. Low temperatures and prolonged exertion burn lots of energy. A good chicken pie the night before works a treat.


Optimum sleep is vital. Everyone is different, but if you struggle with energy dips and/or recovery switching off Netflix and getting an extra hour of sleep could be transformational.

Sleep aids muscle repair, boosts your mood and rests the body and mind.


I take plenty of water on a walk and take my pocket sized water filter. The key to being fully hydrated on a walk is starting well before the big day and I make sure I drink at least a litre of water before I set off.


Favourite hill snacks

*Flapjack *Jelly babies *Nuts (salted sometimes)

Favourite lunch

*Peanut butter and jam sandwich cut into bite size pieces


*Lots of water beforehand as well as during.

*Flat coke - coke and pop are great immediate sugar boosts


Favourite snacks

*Dried mango or pineapple mixed with walnuts and cashews

*Haribo Jelly Babies

*Chia Charge bars


*Fizzy Fish sweets


*Tunnock's Caramel Wafer

Favourite lunch

*Peanut butter bagel



*I start hydrating two days before

*Cans of pop when I'm tired and depleted

Before the walk

I eat pasta the night before and have thick sliced peanut butter toast or porridge with nuts, fruit and seeds for breakfast.


I have an early night before a walk. If you struggle to sleep, don't panic, resting your body by using relaxation techniques , meditating or simply staying still is beneficial.


Favourite hill snacks

*Dried Pineapple




*Percy Pigs

Favourite lunch

*Butcher sausage rolls *Leftover pizza

Hydration on cold days *Chocolate orange hot chocolate *Hot blackcurrant


Favourite hill snacks

*Pork pies ❤️ *Nuts of any sort - cashew, peanuts, pistachios *Chia Charge bars *N’eat bars *Snickers *Dried mango *Sweets of any sort *Kendal mint cake when really struggling


*Hot chocolate for cold weather



Favourite hill snacks

*Rocky road



Favourite lunch

*Aldi's big pork pie

*Chicken and salad wraps with sriracha sauce. Fuel before a big day Sweet potato or brown rice for slow burn energy with lots of chicken for muscle repair and a good helping of veg. Post hike reward

*Dominoes pizza with a thin and crispy base

Just remember- Eat Well, Move Move, Sleep!

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